Nash Community College is committed to providing equal access to education for persons with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations are made for students with disabilities who qualify for admission.

Counselors assist with admission and registration as needed, make referrals to and work with agencies which serve the needs of students with disabilities. At the student’s request, the ADA Coordinator will meet with the student to assess individual needs, documentation, and determination of reasonable accommodations. It is the responsibility of the student to make his/her request known to the ADA Coordinator. Current documentation must be provided from a licensed/certified professional that adequately substantiates the need for reasonable accommodations. All documentation and records provided will be maintained in a confidential manner according to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Requests for accommodations should be made as early as possible, for it may take up to four (4) weeks for reasonable accommodations to be in place.

For more information, please email

Student’s Rights and Responsibilities

Students with disabilities at Nash Community College have the right to:

  • Equal access to courses, programs, services, jobs, and activities offered by the college;
  • Equal opportunity to work, learn, and receive accommodations;
  • Confidentiality of information regarding their disability as applicable laws allow.

Students with disabilities at Nash Community College have the responsibility to:

  • Meet the College’s qualifications and maintain essential instructional standards for programs, courses, services, and activities;
  • Self-identify disability status in a reasonable and timely manner if they are seeking academic adjustments, auxiliary aids and services;
  • Provide documentation which may include: 1) A doctor’s clear statement of the disability which may include the DSM-IV TR diagnosis 2) Psychological Evaluation completed by a Licensed Psychologist 3) Prior records from high school which may include an IEP, evaluations completed, and/or Summary of Performance 4) Conversations and interviews with Disabilities Service Counselors. Please keep in mind scheduling an appointment with your provider may take up to 2-4 weeks. Please contact the Disability Services to obtain guidelines needed for your documentation;
  • Follow published procedures for obtaining academic accommodation


Latoya Carter

Latoya Carter

Director of Student Wellness
Building: Building B
Room: 2112
Phone: 252-451-7363
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