If you are not aware of your company’s training schedule or training procedures, contact your supervisors.
Information needed for Nash Community College Admissions:
- Lineman Enrollment Application
- Lineman Transcript Request (sealed)
- Other College Transcripts (for transcript credit)
- Placement Test Scores (see training matrix for courses that may require test scores)
*Transcripts must be sent each time you complete a course to make sure you get credit for that particular course. Other colleges do not update us on your progress.
Send the information to:
Attn: Lindsey Sauls
Nash Community College
522 North Old Carriage Road, Rocky Mount, NC 27804
Course Information
General Education Courses
- COM 110 Introduction to Communication or COM 231 Public Speaking
- ENG 110 Freshman Composition or ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry
- HUM/FA Humanities/Fine Arts Core Elective
- MAT 121 Algebra/Trigonometry I or MAT 171 Precalculus Algebra
- SOC/BEH Social Behavioral Science Core Elective
Major Core Courses
- ELC 111 Introduction to Electricity
- ELC 231 Electric Power Systems
- ELC 233 Energy Management
- ELT 111 Introduction to Electric Line Construction
- ELT 112 National Electrical Safety Code
- ELT 114 Overhead Line Construction I
- ELT 115 Overhead Line Construction II
- ELT 116 Overhead Line Construction III
- ELT 117 Overhead Line Construction IV
- ELT 211 Underground Line Construction I
- ELT 212 Underground Line Construction II
- ELT 221 Advanced Line Construction
Other Major Courses
- CIS 110 Introduction to Computers
- WBL 124 Work Based Learning II
- WBL 134 Work Based Learning III
- ELC 126 Electrical Computations
- ELT 111A Introduction to Line Construction Lab
- HEA 112 First Aid and CPR
Other Required Courses
- WBL 114 Work Based Learning I
HUM/FA Elective (Select 1 course)
ART 111, ART 114, ART 115, DRA 111, ENG 231, ENG 232, ENG 233, ENG 241, ENG 242, ENG 261, ENG 262, HUM 110, HUM 115, HUM 120, HUM 130, HUM 150, HUM 160, HUM 180, HUM 211, HUM 212, MUS 110, MUS 112, PHI 215, PHI 220, PHI 230, PHI 240, REL 110, REL 211, REL 212
SOC/BEH Elective (Select 1 course)
ANT 210, ANT 220, ECO 251, ECO 252, GEO 111, HIS 111, HIS 112, HIS 121, HIS 122, HIS 131, HIS 132, POL 110, POL 120, POL 220, PSY 150, PSY 239, PSY 241,PSY 281, SOC 210, SOC 213, SOC 220, SOC 240
General Education Courses
- ENG 110 Freshman Composition or ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry
- MAT 110 Mathematical Measurement or MAT 121 Algebra/Trigonometry I
Major Core Courses
- ELC 111 Introduction to Electricity
- ELC 126 Electrical Computations
- ELC 231 Electrical Power Systems
- ELC 233 Energy Management
- ELT 111 Introduction to Electric Line Construction
- ELT 114 Overhead Line Construction I
- ELT 211 Underground Line Construction I
Other Major Courses
- CIS 110 Introduction to Computers
- ELC 126 Electrical Computations
- ELT 111A Introduction to Electric Line Construction Lab
- HEA 112 First Aid & Life Saving
Other Required Courses
- WBL 114 Work Based Learning I
- ELT 111 Introduction to Electric Line Construction
- ELT 112 National Electrical Safety Code
- ELT 114 Overhead Line Construction I
- ELT 115 Overhead Line Construction II
- ELT 116 Overhead Line Construction III
- ELT 117 Overhead Line Construction IV
- ELT 211 Underground Line Construction I
- ELT 212 Underground Line Construction II