Early Intervention offers academic support to students with the goal of helping students reach their full academic potential.
Students who are referred for Early Intervention by an instructor will be contacted by a Success Coach to arrange a convenient meeting time. The Success Coach will work with the student one-on-one to identify areas to improve upon and link students to resources to help them become more successful.
Early Intervention can help students who are willing to listen, take advice and be committed to work and do their best.
If your instructor notices that you could benefit from additional resources, they will meet with you to discuss some options and possibly refer you directly to the resource. For example, if you need help with math homework, the instructor may refer you to the Math Tank. If there are other needs in which they are unable to identify, they may refer you to Early Intervention.
After students meet with a Success Coach, they will clarify goals and develop a plan for success.
Related Links
Resources for students:
Career Counseling & Job Placement
The Career Planning & Placement center assists students in obtaining employment and serves local businesses by referring students for part-time and full-time positions.
Appropriate accommodations are made for students with disabilities who qualify for admission.
English Studio
Tutoring services for any stage of the writing process are offered on campus and online.
Financial Aid
Information about the various types of financial aid students may receive while attending Nash Community College including scholarships, grants, federal work-study, child-care grant, and direct loans.
Math Tank
Need math assistance, email math-help@nashcc.edu.
NCC Library
The library houses a continually growing collection of print and electronic resources which have been selected to enrich programs offered by the college.
NCLIVE is a group of 40+ separate online databases on a variety of general and academic subjects. Please call 451-8248 for password assistance.
Tutor.com is an online tutoring service provided for Nash Community College students.
SAS Writing Reviser
The Writing Reviser helps students to see new opportunities for expressing themselves with greater precision and power.
The STILL is located in the Science and Technology Building room 7213 as a resource for students seeking help with science content. For more information, email still@nashcc.edu.
Success Coaching
Success Coaches help students in their academic journey by connecting them with resources on and off campus to help remove any barriers to success.

Marbeth Holmes