Forensic Science is a concentration under the curriculum of Criminal Justice Technology. This curriculum is designed to provide knowledge of latent evidence systems and operations.
What You'll Learn
Study will focus on local, state, and federal law enforcement, evidence processing and procedures. Students will learn both theory and hands-on analysis of latent evidence. They will learn fingerprint classification, identification, and chemical development. Students will record, cast, and recognize footwear and tire tracks and process crime scenes. Issues and concepts of communications and the use of computers and computer-assisted design programs in crime scene technology will be discussed.
Career Opportunities
Graduates should qualify for employment in a variety of criminal justice organizations, especially those in local, state, and federal law enforcement and correctional agencies.
Major Core Courses
- CJC 111 Introduction to Criminal Justice
- CJC 112 Criminology
- CJC 113 Juvenile Justice
- CJC 131 Criminal Law
- CJC 212 Ethics and Community Relations
- CJC 221 Investigative Principles
- CJC 231 Constitutional Law
Other Major Courses
- CJC 114 Investigative Photography
- CJC 132 Court Procedure and Evidence
- CJC 144 Crime Scene Processing
- CJC 145 Crime Scene CAD
- CJC 146 Trace Evidence
- CJC 214 Victimology
- CJC 222 Criminalistics
- CJC 245 Friction Ridge Analysis
- CJC 246 Adv. Friction Analysis
- CJC 250 Forensic Biology I
General Education
- COM 231 Public Speaking
- ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry
- HUM/FA Elective
- MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy
- SOC/BEH Elective
HUM/FA Elective Courses (Select 1 course)
HUM 110, HUM 115, HUM 120, HUM 130, HUM 150, HUM 211, HUM 212, PHI 215, PHI 220, PHI 230, PHI 240, REL 110, REL 211, REL 212
SOC/BEH Elective Courses (Select 1 course)
ANT 210, ANT 220, HIS 111, HIS 112, HIS 212, HIS 122, HIS 131, HIS 132, POL 110, POL 120, POL 220, PSY 150, PSY 239, PSY 241, PSY 281, SOC 210, SOC 213, SOC 220, SOC 240
Other Required Courses
- ACA 122 University Transfer Success