A course of study that prepares the students to apply basic engineering principles and technical skills to become technicians who design, build, install, test, troubleshoot, repair, and modify developmental and production electronic components, equipment, and systems such as industrial/computer controls, manufacturing systems, communication systems, and power electronic systems.
What You'll Learn
Includes instruction in mathematics, basic electricity, solid-state fundamentals, digital concepts, and microprocessors or programmable logic controllers.
Career Opportunities
Graduates should qualify for employment as electronics engineering technicians, field service technicians, instrumentation technicians, maintenance technicians, electronic testers, electronic systems integrators, bench technicians, and production control technicians.
Technical Core Courses
Program Major Courses
Other Major Courses
- ATR 280 Robotic Fundamentals
- ATR 281 Automated Manufacturing
- CET 111 Computer Upgrade/Repair I
- CSC 151 Java Programming
- DFT 119 Basic CAD
- EGR 125 Appl Software for Tech
- ELC 131A Circuit Analysis I Lab
- ELC 213 Instrumentation
- ELC 117 Motors and Controls
- ELN 235 Data Communication Sys.
General Education
- COM 110 Intro. to Communication or COM 120 Intro. to Interpersonal Communication or COM 231 Public Speaking or ENG 114 Prof. Research and Reporting
- ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry or ENG 110 Freshman Composition
- HUM/FA Humanities/Fine Arts Core Elect.
- MAT 121 Algebra/Trigonometry I or MAT 171 Precalculus Algebra
- SOC/BEH Social/Behavioral Sci. Core Elect.
Other Required Courses
- ACA 122 University Transfer Success or ACA 115 Success & Study Skills
HUM/FA Elective (Select 1 course)
ART 111, ART 114, ART 115, DRA 111, ENG 231, ENG 232, ENG 233, ENG 241, ENG 242, ENG 261, ENG 262, HUM 110, HUM 115, HUM 120, HUM 130, HUM 150, HUM 160, HUM 180, HUM 211, HUM 212, MUS 110, MUS 112, PHI 215, PHI 220, PHI 230, PHI 240, REL 110, REL 211, REL 212
SOC/BEH Elective (Select 1 course)
ANT 210, ANT 220, ECO 251, ECO 252, GEO 111, HIS 111, HIS 112, HIS 121, HIS 122, HIS 131, HIS 132, POL 110, POL 120, POL 220, PSY 150, PSY 239, PSY 241,PSY 281, SOC 210, SOC 213, SOC 220, SOC 240
Technical Core Courses
Program Major Courses
Other Major Courses
- EGR 125 Appl Software for Tech
- ELC 131A Circuit Analysis I Lab
- ATR 280 Robotic Fundamentals or CET 111 Computer Upgrade/Repair I
- ELN 235 Data Communication Sys
General Education