Advanced Manufacturing Club
The Advanced Manufacturing Club is an organization to promote skills, technology and knowledge for students in the Machining, Welding, Industrial Systems Technology, Electronics Engineering Technology, and Computer Engineering Technology programs.
The Nash Community College Foundation sponsors a Student Ambassador program for selected individuals who demonstrate leadership, scholarship, and strong written and oral communication skills. Ambassadors represent Nash Community College at Foundation events and a wide variety of school functions. Ambassadors assist the College during times such as registration and open house.
Ambassador applications are available in the spring. In the spring of each year, a selection committee appointed by the Nash Community College Foundation Executive Director interviews and selects the ambassadors. Ambassadors receive a scholarship and serve the College in the subsequent school year.
Autistic Self-Advocacy Network Club (ASAN)
The NCC-ASAN seeks to advance the principles of the disability rights movement with regard to autism.
Automotive Technology Club
The purposes of this club are to enhance the knowledge and encourage the interests of undergraduate students and to promote the development of organized automotive technology activities and encourage student learning in automotive maintenance and automotive-related fields.
Artistic Designers Club
The Artistic Designers Club is an organization for students who are enrolled in cosmetology courses at Nash Community College. The club encourages and provides opportunities for development of leadership skills and accountability in the cosmetology field.
Blue Love Creators
Blue Love Creators is a club which is open to any curriculum student at NCC who has an interest in writing, visual arts, marketing or publication. Its main purpose is to foster the production of creative writing and visual arts among the students of the College. By offering seminars and workshops, the club seeks to help students refine their skills. The club strives to produce a juried literary and visual arts magazine once a year.
Criminal Justice Club
The Criminal Justice Club gives students the opportunity to gain exposure to the professional realm of law enforcement, courts, and corrections.
Culinary Club
The Culinary Club is designed to encourage students in the Culinary or Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM) programs to polish and perfect skills learned in the Culinary and HRM curriculum.
Drama Club
The Drama Club encourages support and participation in activities of theater interest. This includes participation in campus productions at Nash Community College as well as supporting and participating in activities which enhance theatrical development.
Dungeons & Dragons Club
The purposes of this organization are to enrich student’s knowledge and uses of improvisation and its application to the real world while enhancing a variety of skills including but not limited to teamwork, conflict resolution, and evaluation situations. To provide a place for students to come together and interact with each other through a fun and engaging means.
Early Childhood Education Club
The Early Childhood Education Club is an organization for students who are pursuing a degree or certificate in Early Childhood. Students are encouraged to become actively involved in local, state and national professional activities in Early Childhood Development.
Fitness Club
The purpose of this club is to give students an outlet to meet other students who are new to exercise and want to engage in physical recreational activities but don’t know where to start.
Gaming Club
The Gaming Club gives students a positive environment to come together with other likeminded individuals to socialize through the art of gaming. Games can include board games, card games, and video games. Students must maintain a satisfactory GPA and standing, up to the discretion of the advisor.
Gamma Beta Phi Society
GBP is an honor society on campus. Students must have a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average, must have earned 12 or more semester hours in a major at NCC. Membership drives are held in September and February of each semester.
Global Scholars Club
The purposes of the Nash Community College Global Scholars Club is to encourage active student involvement in learning about cultures, countries, and ways of life that are different from their own. To explore the role of a global citizen on campus, in the community, around the world, and raise funds for club members who are participating in NCC Study Abroad trip.
Inclusive Club of Unity (ICU)
Open to any student looking for a sense of belonging and community. We provide an atmosphere where freedom of expression is encouraged, focus on growth mindset and participate in civic engagement activities.
Lambda Association of Students and Supporters (NCLASS)
Nash Community College Lambda Alliance of Students and Supporters (NCLASS) is an organization whose purpose is to provide outreach, support, information, and resources for gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual students. NCLASS also provides information and resources to students regarding sexuality and sexual orientation and strives to promote a culture of equality for all Nash Community College students.
Library Club
Members of the Nash Community College Library Club promote the library’s collections, resources, services, and programs by sharing information and providing tours, teaching information literacy and research skills, participating in programs, assisting with projects, recruiting new members to the club, and encouraging others to read for academic success, personal growth, and recreation. Club members also contribute to improving the library for current and future students.
Men Achieving Leadership and Excellence
Men Achieving Leadership and Excellence (M.A.L.E.) promotes academic, personal & professional success for minority males at NCC.
National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America
The objectives of the Student Chapter of the National Association of Veterinary Technician in America (NAVTA) are to promote the professional and educational advancement of veterinary technicians, to promote and maintain the professional image and high ethical standards of the veterinary technician, to promote progressive and humane medical care for all creatures, to promote and maintain a cooperative professional relationship with the veterinary medical profession, to promote an interest in a national association of veterinary technicians, to serve as a contact between members of NAVTA and veterinary technology students, and to further the social and scientific advancement of Nash Community College veterinary technology students.
National Society of Leadership and Success
The NSLS is a leadership honor society that develops leadership skills and helps students achieve personal growth, career success and empowers them to have a positive impact on their community. Students must hold a 2.5 or better GPA and be enrolled for at least 6 credit hours.
Phi Beta Lambda
Phi Beta Lambda (or PBL) is an organization open to all curriculum students who are interested in business (PBL is the college-level counterpart of FBLA). The Kappa Alpha Chi chapter of Nash Community College PBL is affiliated with both the state and national chapters of Phi Beta Lambda.
The PBL chapter gives both day and evening students the opportunity to develop leader- ship, communication and business skills which will assist them in furthering their careers. PBL offers the opportunity to make business contacts and work with local business leaders. It also gives students the chance to compete with other students from across the state and nation for recognition as top students in a variety of business-related topics.
PBL assists students by enhancing their résumés with leadership opportunities and award recognition. All students are encouraged to become active members of PBL and experience the benefits of membership.
Physical Therapist Assistant Student Organization
The Physical Therapist Assistant Student Organization (PTASO) is a non-profit organization for Physical Therapist Assistant students, other students eligible for enrollment in the program, and program alumni. The PTASO encourages active participation in professional activities at the state and national levels; development of leadership skills; participation in projects and activities that develop support and interest within the professional community; and participation in projects and activities that enhance and promote general community support and interest.
Psychology Club
The Psychology Club’s mission is to promote knowledge and interest in the field of psychology by providing opportunities for interaction among students, faculty, and members of the profession.
SkillsUSA Chapter
SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel by providing educational programs, leadership opportunities, events and competitions that support career and technical education (CTE). Students enrolled in Advertising and Graphic Design, Automotive Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Computer Integrated Machining, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education, Culinary, Electronic Engineering Technology, Electrical Systems Technology, IT – Networking Management, Industrial Systems Technology, Medical Assisting and Welding programs are invited to be part of the NCC SkillsUSA Chapter.
The STEM Club provides opportunities to develop critical thinking and advocacy skills in mathematics and to promote the development of organized science activities and to provide opportunities to develop leadership, critical thinking and advocacy skills in the field.
Student Government Association (SGA)
The SGA is the primary organization responsible for providing activities and opportunities that will enhance formal educational experiences. Through its democratic and representative system of government, SGA strives to protect the rights and privileges of all students.
All curriculum students are members of the Student Government Association by virtue of paying an activity fee upon class registration. Members are encouraged to attend monthly meetings and take advantage of the privileges of membership. Students are governed by the SGA Constitution without regard to sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, creed, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
SGA officers are elected in the spring semester for a one-year term. The SGA President represents the student body as a non-voting member of the College’s Board of Trustees.
Student Medical Assisting Association (SMAA)
The Student Medical Assisting Association at Nash Community College helps to prepare students for a rewarding career in the medical assisting field by 1) encouraging knowledge and skill growth; 2) developing leadership, advocacy, and critical thinking skills; and 3) encouraging and developing active participation in local and state levels of North Carolina Society of Medical Assistants (NCSMA) and
American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA).
Membership to those students who are currently enrolled into Medical Assisting courses and/or have been formally accepted into the Medical Assisting program.
Students who are deemed as a pre-Medical Assisting student may become a member but do not hold any officer role.
Student Nurses’ Association
The Student Nurses’ Association is a pre-professional organization for student nurses at Nash Community College. Membership is open to nursing and pre-nursing students.
Student Veterans Association
The purpose of the Student Veterans Association (SVA) at Nash Community College is to provide a network of support and resources to military veterans and their families in order to provide the veterans with the best college experience possible.
Study Abroad
Nash Abroad is a meaningful, global student-focused program centered on immersion, independence, and real-world experiences through study abroad. Thus allowing students the unique opportunity to travel outside his or her realm of knowledge along with gaining insight into the cultures of others while obtaining a broadened understanding of his or her own experiences.
Tetelestai Club
Tetelestai Club is an interdenominational, student, Christian organization seeking to provide a spiritual environment for students. The club exists to provide regular opportunities to study and discuss the Bible, worship, and pray, all in a group setting. Open to all students and seeks to provide an environment conducive to learning and leadership.
Women Achieving Leadership and Excellence
Female students seeking to develop leadership skills, grow academically and professionally, define career goals and network with successful female leaders.