Service Learning provides you with the opportunity to volunteer in the community to gain real world experience that complements what you are learning in the classroom.
What is Service Learning?
Service Learning not only enriches your resume, but helps you make contacts in the community which may lead to a job. You can also confirm that you are on the correct career path by selecting to volunteer in an agency related to your major. The biggest benefit of service learning is the reward you receive from giving back in your community and making a difference in other people’s lives.
Service Learning is not offered during the summer semester.
I already volunteer. Will that count?
Download the Service Learning Agencies list for approved sites or an instructor will need to approve a site before beginning service learning hours. The basic guideline is that it needs to be a non-profit agency.
How much time is involved?
During the span of about ten weeks you will perform 20 hours of service. The work is done outside of class time and is usually an extra credit option. In most cases the work is done on a weekly schedule determined by the agency’s needs. In addition, you will be asked to complete at least three discussion boards/forums and respond to at least two of your peer’s posts throughout the semester on Moodle. This will allow you to share your thoughts and experiences with other students who are also participating in Service Learning at Nash CC. Finally, at the end of the semester there will be a Final Reflection Session where all the SL participants will come together to discuss and reflect on their thoughts and experiences about Service Learning.
How do I get started?
Download the Service Learning Agencies list for potential sites/agencies that are most interesting to you. You must be able to relate your experiences to the course that you are completing Service Learning with; therefore your instructor must approve your site before moving forward.
Once you have selected a site/agency you must contact a representative from that site/agency and meet with him/her to discuss who your site supervisor will be (this person will sign off on your “Service Learning Student Time Log”), working hours, potential job duties, fill out required paperwork, and complete any other requirements to begin service hours.
After you have met and established who your site supervisor will be, you need to complete the Service Learning Placement Confirmation form (click on the link and you will be taken to an online form). Please fill this out completely and click “Submit” when finished.
Briefly meet with the Career Placement Coordinator within the first two weeks of class in order for you to be eligible for the spring semester (your instructor may request an earlier date). During this meeting, you will be asked to fill out the Service Learning Assumption of Risk Form and finalize Service Learning plans. Be sure to bring a photo ID.
Once your paperwork is complete and you have met with the Career Placement Coordinator, you will receive an email through your Nash CC student email account and be added to the Service Learning Moodle site. Please access this Moodle site as soon as possible – you will need to go here for further assignments.
For complete instructions, please see the Service Learning Checklist.
How do I know if my instructor participates in Service Learning?
Participating instructors are listed below. If your instructor is not listed, ask them if they will work with you.