Nash Community College’s online courses are equivalent to traditional courses in academic rigor and student requirements. Students should not view an online course as “easier” than traditional courses. Online courses often require more time than conventional face-to-face courses. In addition to self-motivation, good time management skills, and self-discipline, they also require proficiency with computers and technology.
Programs offered online
Nash Community College offers fully online Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates.

Associate in Arts
The Associate in Arts degree shall be granted for a planned program of study consisting of a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit (SHC)

Associate in Arts in Teacher Preparation
The Associate in Arts in Teacher Preparation degree shall be granted for a planned program of study consisting of a minimum of 60 semester hours

Associate in Science
The Associate in Science degree shall be granted for a planned program of study consisting of a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit (SHC)

Associate in Science in Teacher Preparation
The Associate in Science in Teacher Preparation degree shall be granted for a planned program of study consisting of a minimum of 60 semester hours

Criminal Justice Technology
The Criminal Justice Technology curriculum is designed to provide knowledge of criminal justice systems and operations. Study will focus on local, state, and federal law

Early Childhood Education
The Early Childhood Education curriculum prepares individuals to work with children from infancy through middle childhood in diverse learning environments. Students will combine learned theories

Emergency Management
The Emergency Management curriculum is designed to provide students with a foundation of technical and professional knowledge needed for emergency services delivery in local and

Fire Protection Technology
The Fire Protection Technology curriculum is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills in the technical, managerial, and leadership areas necessary for advancement within
Student Resources
Monday – Thursday:
8 am – 5 pm
8 am – 1 pm
Phone: 252-451-8321
Zoom Virtual Log-in Assistance: Wednesdays 8 am – 5 pm
MyNash Portal & Student Login:
All NCC students have access to the MyNash student portal and a Gmail student email account. To access these accounts please follow these steps.
Students who plan to travel abroad should contact eSupport to discuss the possibility of log-in access in locations outside of the contiguous United States as it may or may not be permissible. Connectivity is not guaranteed. Students must contact their instructors to discuss assignment submission details.
Blended (B)
Blended classes combine traditional face-to-face instruction with online instruction where 50% or less of instruction takes place online and required face-to-face classroom sessions are appropriately predetermined by the instructor. Both face-to-face and online components must be integrated, and a required face-to-face meeting will occur within the first 10% point of the course. A schedule of expected on-campus class sessions will be made available by the instructor in Moodle at the beginning of each blended course.
Hybrid (H)
Hybrid classes combine traditional face-to-face instruction with online instruction, where greater than 50% but less than 100% of instruction takes place online and required face-to-face classroom sessions are appropriately predetermined by the instructor. Both face-to-face and online components must be integrated, and a required face-to-face meeting will occur within the first 10% point of the course. A schedule of expected on-campus class sessions will be made available by the instructor in Moodle at the beginning of each hybrid course.
Virtual (V)
Virtual learning allows for course participation from almost any remote site. The expectation of virtual courses, those identified with the letter V in the course title, is that students will attend and participate online during the scheduled course time. NCC’s virtual learning environment is interactive and students are able to communicate with their instructors and other students in real-time during the class. A schedule of expected virtual class sessions will be made available by the instructor in Moodle at the beginning of each virtual course.
Online (OL)
A course in which instruction and materials are presented entirely online using Moodle and other third-party platforms such as MindTap, Connect, MyLabs, etc. Courses may have proctored testing. Completion of a mandatory Enrollment Verification activity is required by every online student within the first 10% point for each online course.
The Digital Learning Center is available to students needing assistance with digital learning tools and software.
Monday – Thursday:
10 am – 3 pm
Building D, Room 4215
Zoom sessions are available by appointment.